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YWAM Sydney 318 The U of Nations trains 318 God's army with 318 goals of mobilization, training, and dispatch so that 318 people of God will wake up and serve the nations, raising 318 creative ministries and setting up 318 bases in the nations It will continue to circulate through 2020 until the next year. YWAM318 The U of N is a place for intercessory prayer so that healing, recovery and revival will arise and flow among the nations. 


1. We are called to preach the gospel to all people (Matthew 28: 18-20)
2. Disciples of all nations, tribes, tongues, and people (Revelation 7: 9-10)
3. Australia. New Zealand. Let Koreans and nations of Asia and Ocean take part in world missions.


Mobilization - training - sending

Word of promise

When Abram heard that his nephew was taken captive,
And with three hundred and eighty-one (318), they went after him to the altar ... (Ge 14:14)

In the day of the Lord's power, your people are dressed in holy garments and devoted to happiness.
The young men of the dawn dew come to the Lord (Psalm 110: 3)

Therefore go ye, and make disciples of all nations,
Baptizing in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit (Matthew 28: 19-20)

And he said, Go ye into all the world, preach the gospel to all people (Mark 16:15)


A person who loves God and wants to know God



Sydney 318 runs twice a year (March and end of August) for home and office workers.

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